Shaw Hill


PSHE at Shaw Hill Primary School has a strong focus on the mental wellbeing of our children, providing opportunities to talk about feelings, build resilience and feel happy and safe within our school community.

Our PSHE curriculum aims to develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural understanding of the world. The entire curriculum is underpinned by a strong focus on the teaching of British values and respect for all cultures reflected in modern Britain. We ensure that children leave our school having a clear understanding of right and wrong so that they grow up to be good role models within their local and wider community.

We consider it vital that our pupils know how to conduct themselves as strong, honest and law-abiding citizens and have pride in themselves, their communities and their country.

Through weekly time-tabled lessons, assemblies, school trips, visitors and workshops we prepare children for opportunities in later life. There are additional activities within the school year with a specific focus, e.g. bullying and e-safety.

During their time at school children learn to identify different emotions and understand how to deal with them and where to seek support. Our children develop their independence, use of initiative and the ability to work both independently and in cooperation with others who have different faiths and beliefs.

We aim to ensure that children learn about leading a healthy lifestyle and what positive relationships should be like. Our PSHE curriculum prepares children for now and the immediate future.


Please see our planning documents for PSHE and Relationships Education here.