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- Meet the Teacher Meetings
- Literacy Support
- Reading Support
- Writing Support
- Handwriting Support
- Early Reading and Phonics
- Numeracy Support
- A Guide for Parents
- Numeracy Resources to Support Home Learning
- Arithmetic
- Timestable Rockstars
- Numbots
- Arithmagicians
- Parental Advice & Support
- Dinner Menu
- Early Bird Club
- Healthy Eating
- Packed Lunch Leaflet
- Letter to Parents
- Useful Links
- Leave in Term Time (Attendance)
- Letters to Parents
- Parent View Questionnaire
- Snowline
- Parent Partnership Agreement Leaflet
- Letters from Minister of State for School Standards
- Secondary Transfer: Year 6 to Year 7
- Local Offer Birmingham (SEND)
- Mental Health and Wellbeing
Arithmetic sessions are designed to give pupils opportunities to refine their knowledge of their year group specific arithmetic skills. Teachers deliver arithmetic sessions on a weekly basis during a 30 minute dedicated slot on the timetable and during one of the start of the day (SODA) activities from 08:50 to 09:00. The aim of these sessions is to encourage pupils to learn their arithmetic skills and facts to a high standard so they can confidently and quickly recall them to solve a wide range of problems across the entire mathematics curriculum.
Year 1: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 2: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 1 and 2: formal and informal methods guidance - addition and subtraction
Year 1 and 2: formal and informal methods guidance - multiplication and division
Year 3: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 4: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 3 and 4: formal and informal methods guidance - addition and subtraction
Year 3 and 4: formal and informal methods guidance - multiplication and division
Year 5: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 6: arithmetic age related expectations guidance
Year 5 and 6: formal and informal methods guidance - four operations